Hemalata C. Dandekar, PhD.

Michigan Family Farms and Farm Buildings

Find vignettes of spaces and structures that are fading, lifestyles that are disappearing, times. These snapshots are of people committed to the places where they belong.

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs and artwork are copyright by Hemalata C. Dandekar.

To experience the evocative landscapes, buildings and people found in Hemalata C. Dandekar’s books:

See Michigan Family Farms and Farm Buildings

Find vignettes of spaces and structures that are fading, lifestyles that are disappearing, times. These snapshots are of people committed to the places where they belong.

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs and artwork are copyright by Hemalata C. Dandekar.

Michigan Family Farms and Farm Buildings

Michigan’s family farms form the backbone of the state. One need only see the Centennial Farm signs that dot the sides of the state’s country roads to understand that. Hemalata Dandekar shows in her book just how connected those family farm buildings are to the families that inhabit them.

The Planner’s Use of Information

For more than 35 years, planners have depended on The Planner’s Use of Information to help them address their information needs. This completely revised and updated third edition of this popular book serves the new generation of planners who work in a world where social media, cell phones, community-embedded development, and a changing population have revolutionized the practice of planning.

Men to Bombay, Women at Home

Villages change as India embraces digital connections and integrates globally. Captured in these photos is Sugao village in the early 1980’s. Farmers and their families are at work on the land, in their homes, and in the squares and alleys of the village. It is a rapidly fading lifestyle.

Beyond Curry

Detailed, step-by-step instructions enable you to create a wide range of dishes, all adapted to the western kitchen. Designed for busy cooks, quick and easy recipes are modified to maximize using foods available in local supermarkets.

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