
Michigan Family Farms and Farm Buildings: Landscapes of the Heart and Mind

Michigan’s family farms form the backbone of the state. One need only see the Centennial Farm signs that dot the sides of the state’s country roads to understand that. Hemalata Dandekar shows in her new book just how connected those family farm buildings are to the families that inhabit them.

Men to Bombay, Women at Home: Urban Influence on Sugao Village, Deccan Maharashtra, India

This book attempts to portray the fine-grained impacts of industrialization and the availability of work in a major city on a single village, called Sugao, located some 150 miles from Bombay. It describes some of the effects of macro-level, “top-down,” development planning on a village microcosm as observed from the vantage point of the village itself. As far as it is possible for an outsider to do so, Dandekar has attempted to understand and convey the perceptions of some of the people she got to know well in Sugao. Includes maps, diagrams, and photos. It is excellent supplementary text for courses dealing with development, rural society, planning, rural-urban migrations, or women’s issues.

The Planner’s Use of Information

For more than 35 years, planners have depended on The Planner’s Use of Information to help them address their information needs. This completely revised and updated third edition of this popular book will serve the new generation of planners who work in a world where social media, cell phones, community-embedded development, and a changing population have revolutionized the practice of planning.

Beyond Curry

Detailed, step-by-step instructions are provided for a wide range of dishes, all adapted to the western kitchen. Designed for busy cooks, these quick and easy recipes have been modified whenever possible to use foods available in supermarkets and health-food stores. Readers will encounter traditional recipes modified such that a majority of the dishes can be made using ingredients available in supermarkets. Recipes are predominantly vegetarian, call for locally sourced produce, and support creating? healthy meals and sustainable living.

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